This epic sci-fi short premiered at The London Sci-Fi Film Festival in May 2018. Pulsar has since been the recipient of multiple awards including; Best Female Director, Best VFX, Best Sci-fi short.
Notably, David Gyasi won multiple awards as Best Actor for his lead role of Jonah. Additionally, PULSAR was nominated for Best Actor, Best Costume and Best VFX at both FilmQuest and at Women in Horror Film Festival and Nominated for the European Fantastic Film Federation Melies d'Argent competition at Trieste Science+Fiction Festival.
In a year, Pulsar screened at over 30 film festivals including Flickers’ Rhode Island (Vortex), Portland FF, Fargo Fantastic FF, GenreBlast, Starburst IFF, Cosmic FF, Dublin Independent, Kerry FF, Lone Star Texas, Kino Manchester, Les Intergalactiques Lyon, Carmarthen Bay Wales, Crystal Palace, Genre Celebration Tokyo, London Lift-Off and S.O.U.L. Celebrate: Connect at the BFI.
More info can be found on the film's IMDB page.
“Stunning visuals and engaging story” Starburst International Film Festival
"Pulsar has attention to detail, a solid story filled with drama and suspense and very nice special effects." Berlin Sci-fi Film Fest
"We were delighted to screen PULSAR at Kerry Film Festival. This was an ambitious sci-fi short film that delivered on all fronts. With an engaging story, talented cast and exceptional cinematography, PULSAR stood out for the jury panel and was a featured short at the festival." Maeve McGrath, KFF Director
"Pulsar grabs your attention from the opening scene and doesn't let it go until the very end. We have been proud to screen it at Dublin Independent Film Festival".